(CAMP) Important information for the fall semester

We have what you need!

Written by
The Cornell Store
Published on
June 25, 2024 at 8:46:59 AM PDT June 25, 2024 at 8:46:59 AM PDTth, June 25, 2024 at 8:46:59 AM PDT

Cornell Academic Materials Program (CAMP) is a university-wide program that provides undergrads taking undergrad courses at Cornell with access to their required textbooks and coursepacks in a digital format* for a single flat-rate cost of $275 per semester. 

What you need to know about CAMP

It's convenient! Undergrads are automatically enrolled in CAMP. All required digital materials are accessible in Canvas by the start of classes and any print textbooks provided as part of the program are set aside for easy pickup at The Cornell Store.* The CAMP fee is bursar billed for convenience.

It supports academic success! Students are free to explore their academic interests without having to weigh the costs of the associated course materials.

It supports sustainability! CAMP has eliminated thousands of books from being printed and shipped to the Cornell campus each semester. In spring 2023, CAMP became carbon neutral, offsetting every course materials unit.

Important Dates

July 2, 2024: Students will receive an email (at their cornell.edu email address) with information about CAMP and access to opt-out through a digital link. Students can also opt out in Canvas starting August 23. 


July 12, 2024: CAMP charges will be posted to bursar bills.

  • If you choose to opt out of the program before July 9, 2024, the semester fee will not be added to your bursar bill.

August 19, 2024: Print textbooks (only available if digital is not an option)* will be available for pickup at The Cornell Store.


August 23, 2024: All digital materials will be available through Canvas.


Opt-out deadline: Students have until September 13, 2024 to opt out of CAMP for the fall 2024 semester.

Program Participation

CAMP offers the option to opt-out each semester. If you choose to opt-out, you are opting-out of all course materials across all undergraduate courses for the semester. The opt-out deadline for the fall 2024 semester is Friday, September 13, 2024.


Additional information for the Cornell Academic Materials Program can be found at: academicmaterials.cornell.edu/

*Digital textbooks are the default option. Traditional print textbooks will only be supplied when a digital option is not available. You will receive an email if you have any printed textbooks to pick up.