Cornell Pesticide Guidelines for Managing Pests Around the Home (2014 ed.)

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UPC CODE: 9180000

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Newly updated to incorporate changes in pesticide availability and more recent home pest management practices, Cornell Pesticide Guidelines for Managing Pests Around the Home is designed to give homeowners options for controlling common pests found in and around residential areas. Helpful strategies, including non-pesticide control measures when appropriate, are provided to help manage: pests inside the home, annoying outdoor pests, wildlife, indoor and outdoor plant pests, fruit and vegetable pests, and turfgrass pests. Also included is updated information on pesticide application methods, the types of pesticides available, and how to use pesticides appropriately.

This Guidelines title is available in your choice of formats:

1) Print Copies are spiral bound for ease of use, feature laminated covers for durability, and are updated annually. They are well suited for use in the field or office.

2) Online Access versions can be viewed on any computer or mobile device (e.g., smart phone, tablet), contain hyperlinks to additional resources, and may be updated during the growing season. You will need to provide your own e-mail address when ordering the Online Access option; instructions for accessing the online version will be sent to your e-mail address from (This will be separate from the purchase confirmation e-mail you will receive from The Cornell Store.) Please allow ONE business day for processing and login information to be sent.

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